Yes, Halloween is a time for zany costumes and consumption of candy. It is also a time of acknowledging and celebrating our ancestors and friends whom we have loved. It is about noticing the turn in season from the abundance of summer, to the harvest of autumn and then to the turning under of winter, and new growth and life of spring. This natural process of season and death is significant in the cycle of life. The leaves that fall and decay feed the soil and give life to new plants which sprout in the spring. It is necessary for the leaves to come down to make way for new growth. It is a time for letting go and making room for new growth. In all the years that I have been living the cycles of the earth, and celebrating the holidays and sharing the rituals of my culture, I feel deeper in understanding each year. I find that amazing, really. On this day, we were blessed to share the richness of the season with our homeschooling circle of friends and family. What a beautiful day it was.

We held a circle to honor our ancestors on the sacred alter. We shared our costumes and laughed together. We blessed our day and our food with beautiful songs. Cailen, one of our amazing Friday instructors, fired the kids' earthenware pottery in the bonfire. There was a "muffin march" (kinda like a cake walk) to the sound of Cailen's talented fiddling. And be sure to check out his album
here! The kids played it the creek, heard their fortunes told (by a most unusual looking fortune teller) ate wonderful, healthy food and bobbed for apples. They made dream catchers, corn husk dolls, carved pumpkins and jumped on the trampoline. Jasper loved pressing the apples, and Vivienne mastered bamboo climbing. Such a fine day, indeed.

Setting the pots to fire, with blessings
Cailen starting the bonfire for the pottery. It is magical to see the elements take transformation from wood to fire.

bringing the fire to life

In loving memory of Aunt Claudia, Great Grandpa Peter, Great Grandpa James,Great Grandma Marni, Great Granddaddy Rogers, Great Grandpa Moffit, all our beloved pets, and the many other relations and friends that have come and gone, touching ours hearts and spirits. With blessings and joyful remembrance~