Here stands a good apple tree;
Stand fast at root, bear well at the top,
Every little twig, bear an apple big,
Every little bough, bear an apple now.
Hats full! Caps full! Threescore sacks full!
Hullo, boys, hullo!
What a delight it was to make a trip out to
Long Branch Environmental Educational Center and pick from their stunning orchard of heirloom apples. The trees were drooping with ripe, beautiful apples. They grow something like 52 heirloom varieties, and they thrive in the unique conditions of this high altitude farm.

We also filled up on blueberries and a few handfuls of raspberries, too. The kids had a adventuresome bramble-blazing maze guide, Steve, who volunteers at the Center. He shared so much rich information on the wild flowers, the gardens, the wildlife. We awed at the touch-me-not (also known as jewelweed), whose seeds pop out at the slightest touch and pods curl into a stunning snail-shell squiggle. The wild flowers were plentiful, and the the girls befriended numerous toads . I am eager to return for the hiking trail, which sounds amazing.

It was the perfect outing for re-connecting to nature. I find that I spend all too much time indoors, without even noticing what I am missing.