Tuesday, June 28, 2011


It is often the simple things that capture my eye, and bring joy to my day. I just have a few images to share that I have enjoyed witnessing lately. These are glimses into the glorious season of summer. "Simple" is a theme that I feel called to work on right now. I feel that the clutter of things can also really effect my thinking and take too much time away from my days. I am working on letting go of more things so that I can enjoy life! I would love to hear your experiences and suggestions in this effort as well. One place that I am beginning, is reading Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Bee Love

I had the great pleasure of attending the premiere showing of the film Queen of the Sun last week . It came as a part of the Asheville International Pollinator Week. I can't express how inspired I am after seeing this film. I know that bees are are  incredible creatures, but this film really brought my awe and appreciation for them to a new level. I also feel the calling to protect and nurture them, as they do so much for us. Thankfully, my dear friend and neighbor, Heather, has started keeping bees this summer and I can enjoy watching them swoop over the fence and into my garden. Someday, I would really like to take a workshop with Gunter Hauk at Spikenard Farm and Honeybee Sanctuary. To hear Gunter speak of the bees in the film, as did many other wonderful beekeepers, it was truly beautiful to hear their reverence and deep gratitude.

In honor of the honeybees, I brought the bee mobile project to our local handwork group that meets at Azalea Mountain. I found the idea in one of my very favorite books, All Year Round.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wool magic and other creations

I am enjoying this wonderful online tutorial with Nicole from Lebenskuenstler  All the wool creations are made without felting the fibers. It is really a subtle art form! I just love the beauty of the plant dyed wool. So far, I have made the bunnies and a sheep.

Vivienne fashioned a cool "new" instrument, which she named the guitar-um, also known a prisoner's bliss. One has to be inside the box in order to play its strings. Pretty fun.

Vivi also fashioned her top out of a bandana and jute rope. She wore it proudly.

And let me not forget Jasper's super deluxe veggie sandwich. Yum. He ate every bite.