Not much is blooming outside just yet , but Vivi has been hard at work making spring indoors. I love that shade of purple, it reminds me of a crocus.
She walked me through the steps to making a beautiful, happy flower.
can't you just smell the fresh sage and rosemary?
Vivi is prolific when she is on a roll. She is completely self-directed and self-sufficient in her creativity. Next project she did today was a button tree, which she found in a library book called Crafts for All Seasons by Kathy Ross.
And the most recent project for today, Vivi made a bride and groom from craft sticks. They are so charming. The bride has tiny flowers in her wool yarn hair, and a dress made from a doily. I feel so inspired by her whirlwind of craft making! And the latest news from my busy six-year-old pixie? She pulled her own tooth out! She had it tied to the doorknob with floss, and out it came. This girl is fearless! Three cheers for the Vivienne! The tooth fairy visits tonight!
I have been keeping busy knitting my Peace Fleece scarf. The colors are just what I need. It is an unusual scarf pattern, knit lengthwise in garter stitch with rolled edges. I am half-way there. I am getting better about completing projects that I start. The next thing on my list is to work on my nature table, and update the one in Vivi's classroom. I am thinking it will be a scene of Mother Earth and the root children, inspired by the Siblylle Von Olfers story.
And my last bit of bloom that arrived in the mail from etsy today. The sunny orange is just what I need for a little extra late-winter good cheer!