Monday, March 14, 2011

Felted Matryoshkas

Oh, what fun! I participated in my first natural material craft swap. I made 15 sweet little matryoshkas, inspired by Vivi's 8th birthday theme. I think that I made about a dozen for party favors, and it was such fun that I kept on making them! First, I needle-felted the features, then I wet-felted so that they would be very sturdy for child's play.


  1. Hey Emily,I love your little russian dolls, so endearing. The collection makes quite a family!Pleasure to wander through your lovely blog. We email chatted through Etsy a while back, talking about our native County Clare and such. Our first blog is
    Warmest wishes, I'll visit again, Mia

  2. Oh my goodness-- these are so incredibly sweet!

  3. love them all together like that!! they are so darn sweet and very colorful. love you!

  4. They are so lovely!! What a great idea!!

  5. Oh my, these are ADORABLE.

  6. Oh my goodness...they're beautiful! I have to say I'm not much for felting yet, I keep hoping it'll grow on me, but I LOVE admiring all the pretty possibilities! I think these are my favourites!
    xo maureen

  7. Great Job on these, you are so talented!

  8. We were so lucky to get one of these. We got the one with the yellow handkerchief and orange dress. It is so lovely. I haven't tried needle/ wet felting yet. Very inspiring.

  9. These are so lovely, Emily! I especially like the little flower details on their dresses.

  10. We are one of the lucky swappers! We got one! She is so, so beautiful! Thank you for the love and effort you put into making them! Happy Spring!

  11. Always so many beautiful creative things to find on your blog,, the girls look like they are having much fun with their celebrations. Beautiful.!!!

  12. Those are just the sweetest!

  13. Oh my! These are the prettiest wee things I've seen all week! What beautiful colours and embroidery. I love them!

  14. Love all the pictures! what beautiful little Russian dolls!

  15. Oh My gosh! These are so lovely. Really, really special.

  16. I'm going to make some of these today for a few little friends:) Thanks for the inspiration!!

  17. love love love. And I'm in a felting mood! yippee!
    thanks for sharing your lovely work.

  18. I love these! I especially love the dog in the background with the wagging tail!


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