Sunday, March 6, 2011

Eleven Candles...

 And she wanted a Parisian theme for her party - what fun!

Fun chocolate molds from Bake it Pretty. I love that shop!

Mia's poster is on the right, inspired by her French class at Super Saturday. And Vivi's poster is on the left.

 The girls decided to make eiffel tower with string, like cat's cradle, you know?

Happy 11th Birthday, my Mia Bella! Someday, we shall see Paris together! Je t'aime ma fille!


  1. I love that she picked a Paris theme!

  2. That looks like a splendid way to spend an 11th birthday! What a lucky little girl to have you as a mama...I think I want a Paris themed birthday party too!!
    Happy birthing day mama!
    xo maureen

  3. What an amazing party!! Your daughter must have felt so very special.

  4. Happy birthday Mia! I am going to steal your B-day theme! I have been obsessed with Paris and I think that would be a really cool thing to do for my next birthday! I am learning french too!

  5. Super cute. What a well-chosen theme!!!

  6. What a lovely party and a great blog.Thank you!!

  7. What a Fabulous party idea! By the way, you may be interested in the Asheville French conversation meetup group. I think the URL is, then search asheville.

  8. Hi Emily,

    I loved this post when I first came upon it! You did such a great job with the French themed party. I wanted to write in so that you could get a link to my blog and also to ask again about those French Waldorf books. Hope you're doing well!



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