Sunday, August 17, 2008


The kids were rather industrious today. They decided that they would enjoy a sewing project and knew just what they wanted to make, little pouches that close with a button. I have a lot of fabric scraps around (more than I care to admit to) and they each found a few pieces of pretty floral and got started.

Mia's first pouch (completed 100% by herself):

We also collaborated on a late summer wreath for the front door. I wanted to make good use of the beautiful roses from our anniversary now that they are dried. The girls harvested some white pine branches from the backyard and helped me to put it together.

This is Vivienne's drawing of a girl with a loose tooth. She is absolutely overjoyed to have her first loose tooth and wiggles it endlessly. Surely, it will be out in no time and she will have her first visit from the tooth fairy. Such a wonderful excitement.

I am also taking the opportunity to post this beautiful card that Mia made for me months ago, it sits proudly on our fireplace mantle in the living room. I just love the combination of fabric and paper.

Now that the girls will be in school, I plan to sit down and prioritize the projects that I would like to pick up and complete, things that need organizing and cleaning and fixing. Not to mention my garden, which desperately needs weeding. Jasper and I will have a lot to work on this week.

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