Sunday, August 24, 2008

Old-Fashioned Fun

We enjoyed an afternoon at the Riverbend Farm recently. They had wonderful old time games, craft activities and dress-up.

The kids also enjoyed visiting the 3-day old chicks, the goats and sheep and Bert and Ernie, the beautiful draft horses.

They made paper caterpillar hand puppets and spent a lot of time trying out the walking stilts and wooden hula hoop. Jasper loved the tractors most of all, and Vivienne did not want to leave the chicks.

We also browsed the kitchen garden, and awed at the foot-long beans, big pumpkins and massive bean teepee.

It was an inspiring day. I am working on drawing up plans for next year's garden, while I can still look and see what I like or don't like about this year's garden. Being the second year of drought, it has not been as productive as it could be. I feel that some things I would like to increase production of include cucumbers and beans, which we never seem to have enough of. I absolutely love testing out my garden space and making improvements as I learn more. It is such a gratifying experience!

~Here is our latest garden harvest : A ripe, juicy sweet cataloupe~

And I must add a photo from another classic summer event - Jen & Rich's annual Ice Cream Social (featuring Hope's famous lavender-honey ice cream, among other awesome homemade flavors)

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