Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sleeping With Van Gogh

After several years of travelling to local artists' homes and taking images of their bedrooms, the show has finally arrived! Sleeping with Van Gogh is a sister project to the bigger project entitled Waking With Van Gogh,  which was curated by Moni Hill. Moni approached me with the photography concept and I accepted the challenge. It was a wonderful way to delve into my photography and meet some wonderful artists as well.  Here are some photos from the opening at the Hickory Museum of Art in April. The show will be up until late July, I have around 22 photos on display and there are close to 70 artists in the larger show.

  Here is Jaspie looking dapper in his pinstripe jacket, enjoying a plate of elegant finger food.

My lovely girls on the opening night. Below are some examples from the project.

1 comment:

  1. I Love this idea for an exhibition, Its beautiful, and the photos are just gorgeous and very insightful. They have a lovely touch of humanity. I particularly love the bed with all the laundry, I so identify with that. I am such a curious soul like this, loving people and their curious natures and lives. An exhibition like this really speaks to me. You are a lady of many Gifts !!!!!!!!!!!
    Love to you x


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