Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Handwork Samples

 I completed my sample work for my summer session at Rudolf Steiner College. We covered the first, second and third grade curriculum. It has been such a benefit to me in my teaching at Azalea Mountain School and I have enjoyed my work so much. I thought I would share some of the project samples for my classes, though there are so many more wonderful ideas. I am amazed and delighted to see how well the children love to knit and crochet, and how much joy it brings to them. And most all of the materials for my classes have been plant dyed by me!

grade 3 projects: crocheted hat (from center to outer rim), crocheted water bottle case, drop spindle and spun wool, stitched  felt candle mat
 grade two projects: knitted gnome with crocheted cap, knitted horse, butterfly stitch jump rope, crocheted washcloth

grade three: crocheted wrist warmers

 grade 3: crocheted flute cases

grade two/three: stitched scissors case, little knitted doll, crocheted hat( from outer rim to center)

My grade three/four transition project: knitted and stitched sewing needle case from Linda's pattern here. I love being inspired by her blog Natural Suburbia.

Grade one: indigo baby bunting (I make dolls for them when they are finished), knitted flute case, knitted rainbow ball


  1. These are so nice and your kids are adorable. :)

  2. you are so inspiring. i don't work with fibers, but I love seeing your projects nonetheless. Best wishes.

  3. Hi Emily, it's lovely to see you posting here again! I so enjoyed browsing through these handwork projects. I teach handwork too, so it's really inspiring : )


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