Saturday, September 24, 2011

Arrival of Autumn

Oh, how quickly autumn has arrived! It has been a while since I have found the time to post photos. Here are a few from the first days of school. The children love the tradition of the Schultüte.This was inspired  by my mom's memories of entering first grade in Germany, before her family emigrated.  We don't reserve the tradition for the first day of first grade, but rather a special treat for the start of each year. It is nice to have a tradition that brings the kids so much joy at the start of a new year. 

Azalea Mountain is such a beautiful school community. The children share in verses and song every day, and the nature immersion day at Sacred Mountain Sanctuary is really special. I am loving my dear handwork students! It has been a joy! Tomorrow we celebrate Michaelmas and the felted dragon from last year makes his appearance in yet another puppet play. This year is the tale of the apple pie dragon told by Ms. Kate. Jasper made a gorgeous golden sword at school with Mr. Scott and Ms. Becca, as well as a golden cape, dyed with goldenrod at his sweet Kindergarten, Little Round Schoolhouse. All the children have been singing beautiful Michaelmas songs taught by Ms. Allen, the lovely music teacher at Azalea Mountain. Mia and I are currently studying history of ancient Greece and will soon move into a Geometry block.

I have been meaning to share the beautiful photos that Lenka Hattaway took for our family. Can I tell you how long it has been since I got a photo of  the whole family, or even David and me? I don't even remember when  that has happened! Lenka is wonderfully talented, please visit her lovely website and blog here! Thank you so much, Lenka!

 Autumn Equinox and Michaelmas Blessings to all!


  1. Beautiful children, beautiful family. Especially love the one with the children in the foreground, lovely shot!
    i remember sharing in the Michaelmas celebration last year, it was so beautiful and heartfelt.
    I miss that lovely mountain community!
    Blessed equinox and Michaelmas to you all!

  2. I love the family photos! I am confused, I thought you homeschooled your children? They go to the Waldorf school?

  3. Yes, Catherine, it is confusing. I home school my oldest daughter, and this year my second daughter is attending Waldorf school and my little guy is still doing a three day Kindergarten. So, we have a little bit of both!

  4. Emily - those photos are stunning. Its been forever since I've seen you in front of the camera lens so what a treat. The photo of you and David
    alone is wonderful and you should frame it prominently before your 20th anniversary next summer!

  5. I have just found your blog and when I saw the schultuete a whole array of memories came to me! I am from Germany (we moved to the UK 3.5 years ago!) , so this is a tradition we will be living with our little boy , too!
    I really like your blog and what a wonderful family you have got!
    Can you speak German?

  6. Your photos are beautiful, and what an amazing dress!!!!! You look radiant. I have been dreaming of a red dress for Autumn here, to brighten the days. I am so excited that Asheville has its Waldorf school up and running, its going to be such a wonderful marriage of spirit, between that gorgeous town and this amazing way of learning. I take it, you are the handwork teacher, wonderful!. Wishing you a Golden Autumn to you and yours. xxE


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