Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dear Kale, We Love you...

Ever since the kale started to mature in the garden, our family has been crazy for it. We ate three whole colanders the first evening. After we sauteed some, the kids would run out and pick more, and then they asked if they could have kale for dessert? What? Could my mama ears be hearing this correctly? The baby kale is so yummy. We just sauteed it with a little olive oil and splash of Bragg's. On a related note, Vivi was awarded "adventurous eater" recognition at her Wednesday class. They shared a meal for lunch each week, and she was the only one to eat everything that friends brought. And she enjoyed it all, too!


  1. How wonderful!!!

  2. she is adventurous -- raw kale is very bitter to me. Good for her!

  3. Your photography is so lovely! Thanks for stopping by my blog =)

    We love kale at our house, too, and it is a good thing because I grew a lot of it this year!



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