Thursday, February 10, 2011

Puppy Party

New friends... Gnomie made by Ines, felted sock monkey made by Mia

 The chocolate cupcakes were delicious. I used Martha Stewart's one bowl chocolate cupcake recipe, and her chocolate-sour cream frosting. Jasper told me that he wanted "grown-up" chocolate for his birthday cake!


  1. I have a blog award for you over at my blog:

    Your blog is such a joy to visit and I love the wonderful things you share!


  2. Happy birthday to your sweet little Jasper yet another puppy lover. Such a sweet theme, so much love put into your children's birthdays,, first the dolls and now the puppies. All so beautiful and I agree with Jasper there nothing like real chocolate. I remember the first day I let Sasha try chocolate, he was three years old, now he can smell chocolate on my breath from across the room when I try to sneak a piece.

  3. Thank you, Sally! That is so nice, really. I feel blessed to have such an wonderful community of fellow bloggers.


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