Friday, December 24, 2010

What happens when you don't check your gauge...

Oopsie, I should have stopped sooner! I really don't like to check my knitting gauge and this is what happens! May this be a lesson to us all. This is my last minute attempt at making Christmas presents. Well, I do have plans to remedy the situation... we will see how it goes. We all shared a very good laugh.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night!


  1. So cute! Thanks for sharing, Emily. Blessings to you and your family.

  2. haha! That's cute. Maybe you could felt it down?

  3. Very funny photo, it gave me a good chuckle. A useful bit of advice as I am a novice knitter. stay cozy and warm in all this holiday snow!

  4. Oh my goodness you got me giggling for a good five minutes, I even showed my husband. I made booties the other day for a baby and they could fit my 5 year old. To precious, how adorable your little boy is - too gorgeous. Have a festive NY.. many blessings.

  5. You made me laugh! So funny.


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