Monday, December 13, 2010

Leather crafting

The kids and I have enjoyed learning about leather crafting here and there in the last couple of years. We started to make mocassins last year, but never quite completed them. It is one of those projects that needs to be revisited. I gave up when my waxed thread got tangled into a ball by one very adorable little person. Mia worked with a local craftsman one day and made some nice work, and learned quite a lot. We have all of these leftover scraps  and yesterday I shared my admiration for these beautiful leather cuffs that I saw at the Big Crafty, made by Audrey Laine.  Vivienne's face lit up with ideas and off she went, working out her idea. Beacuse I found her ability to jump into action so inspiring, I completed my own project. Then our family took a trip to Earth Guild for more leather scraps so that we could continue our explorations. Vivienne is making a simple purse now, and has completed various other gifts which are really great.

         I think we will be making more of these. They are so simple and comfortable to wear.


  1. Very cool. Again I say it all the time to you - I see my future in your posts and I like what I see.

    Namaste, Nicole

  2. Really cute, love them! Come say hi. We are having a rock music giveaway, from my Dec 9 post :)

  3. That is so neat! What a fun way to craft together.


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