Sunday, September 26, 2010

Autumn Equinox and Michaelmas

This is a most special time of year for me. It is the midway point from Summer Solstice/ St John's Tide to Winter Solstice/ Christmas.  We have enjoyed marking this time with an Equinox bonfire and potluck with our friends. The flowers are still so glorious and cheerful.  

Jasper made Dragon bread and dyed a silk cape with goldenrod at his little morning class, and I helped to prepare for the community Michaelmas festival by making a felted dragon and some scenery for the puppet show. It was a good learning experience to be a part of the production.

Jasper in his cape of golden light

The lovely princess was made by Becca.

I got to be the King in the story. This beautiful puppet was made by Lenka. They are so glorious in action, with their flowing silk bodies.
Ines practicing the scene with the knight
The tamed dragon

Weaving with nature at the festival. The kids also made beautiful wool felted comets with trailing ribbons.
Mother Earth leading the children to the puppet show. During the show, we had a torrential thunderstorm. It was quite dramatic the have roars of thunder in the dragon scene. But after getting thoroughly soaked (with glee...) as we crossed the property, the sun shone again for the potluck and cider pressing time.  The children delighted in playing in the mud puddles.

The Michaelmas dragon was gifted to Vivienne(something that Mia and Jasper insisted upon), honoring her bravery and strength after a very unfortunate playground accident. She slipped on a ladder, landing in a very tender place and had to miss the festival to rest at home with Daddy. She is feeling much better today.
Jasper's favorite tee from the local and fabulous Ollie Kate
Brave and True
Will I Be
Each Kind Deed
 Sets Me Free
Each Kind Word
Makes Me Strong
Fight for the Right
Conquer the Wrong
~author not known

Check out more wonderful photos at the Moment to Moment Blog!


  1. I'm sorry to hear about Vivienne but the dragon is lovely! It looks like your festival was lovely. We had a nice one (our first in the Triad area) yesterday too. :) Happy Michaelmas!

  2. oh, i didn't know sweet vivi got hurt! hope she is feeling much better. your dragon was impressive and you offered a stellar performance in the puppet show! i loved it all. xoxoxo

  3. What a beautiful celebration! Although I'm so happy for your families, I'm also so jealous...I want a Waldorf community like that here!!!!!!
    How wonderful for your children to get to be a part of such a beautiful and creative community of people!
    xo maureen

  4. Looks like such a beutiful community celebration, I dream of having that for my children :)

  5. It was indeed a lovely celebration and so nice to meet you! And I really loved the puppet show, beautiful!

  6. What a beautiful time of year! Loved seeing the photos of the lovely celebration. Sorry we missed it. Glad to hear Vivienne is feeling better.

  7. They surely do know how to throw a shindig! Your photos are, as usual, both eloquent and very good.

  8. thanks for sharing! It was such a lovely time, magical and full of beauty. Thanks for all you did to bring it forth! Happy Michaelmas!

  9. It was such a wonderful festival and a beautiful puppet show! I loved your dragon, did you make it?

  10. Yes, I did make the dragon! I needle felted it in two evenings. It was really quite fun to see him come to life in my hands. I was really nice to see you all at the Michaelmas festival.

  11. Was wonderful to be part of the festival. I have dragon envy - amazing. (michelle and Abby Jen's friends from Australia)

  12. Your seasonal table is beautiful and so is your blackboard drawing! Your dragon is gorgeous! May the light of Micheal shine on you!

  13. It must be so neat to be part of a community to share the festivals - I just love the puppets.
    Just beautiful images.
    Warm wishes


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