Thursday, June 17, 2010

Little Folk Fun

The kids have been into making  little people and little furniture lately. Here are some cute family portraits. I think the wedding couple are darling.

Mia's sweet little family

The baby sleeps in a little shimmering seashell

Jasper's scarecrow doll

Vivienne's paper cup fairy furniture

Our summer seasonal table

The darling pop-up seashell elf made by my friend, Tiffany.


  1. Toooo cute!!! Children's ability to create always amazes me!

    Love your bloggity blog ;)


  2. Your children's work is beautiful. I love to see all the wonderful things children make.

    My children love to create little sceneries with all their little felt children and wool animals. They are always decorating and making magical settings. Their imagination amazes me.


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