Saturday, May 29, 2010

Celebrating May

We had a fun time gathering with community last weekend.  The annual May Faire had a wonderful turnout, and supported the efforts of  the blossoming Waldorf initiation in our area. Azalea Mountain School plans to open its first Kindergarten program this year, and will be working towards AWSNA accreditation.  Dandelion Hill and several other waldorf-inspired programs are also adding to the growth of the community, as well as quite a few home schoolers such as ourselves. The day before the faire, the girls expressed great interest in renting a sales table for the event. And did they ever get to work! Vivienne got inspired by our new origami paper and made several dozen fortune tellers. Mia created many tree bark necklaces,  a project she designed for her 10th birthday party. We also had a box of blank yoyos from Goose Grease that we decided to paint with watercolors and colored pencils, then finished them with a beeswax oil. My dear friend, Ines, joined us and sold her beautiful art prints, painted river stones and woolen creations. It was a lot of fun!

Some favorite activities included beading, garland making,  flower printing, fairy house making, tree climbing, maypole dancing, listening to live musicians, silk dying, and the list goes on! Jasper loved running in the field with Ely, and making fairy houses. There was a cute fishing game that he liked as well. It was a very lovely afternoon, filled with friends and fun.

Be like a flower and turn your face to the sun. ~ Kahil Gibran


  1. yay!! thanks for sharing all those lovely photos and for the dandy love. as usual, i wish i had been able to spend more time with you there. summer playtime? i hope so!

  2. you caught the day beautifully..
    thanks for sharing!


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