Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Making dolls

Dollmaking is an art form that I have limited experience with, but have always loved. My first doll made in the waldorf tradition was for Mia. A sweet, somewhat lop-headed baby doll for her toddler arms to embrace. I also made several Joy'sWaldorf Doll kits, with the velour bodies and have such fun that I made a few as gifts. Eight years later, I am drawn to doll making once again. Trying my hand at a small nature table doll kit, I am humbly reminded of the challenges of such a task. I figure that at my hand sewing rate, my dolls should value at the equivalent of pure gold! Vivienne also got inspired to make a doll, unbeknownst to me, she went upstairs and pulled out the lovely doll kit from Gabi at Fairy Wool Dolls. I am inspired to keep working on my dollmaking, most especially getting the head shape right! This little strawberry girl came from a wonderful kit by Atelier Pippilotta. The Canadian online shop, Bear Dance Crafts, has an amazing selection of  doll making kits. My strawberry girl came out quite different than intended, I changed the scale a bit and added long braids... overall, I am very happy for the results and the practice. As usual, as I learn to make something myself, I am filled with appreciation for the handmade products of others, and the true value of creative efforts.
Vivienne's doll

Happy Spring!


  1. That strawberry doll may be the very cutest thing ever!

  2. Both yours and Vivienne's dolls are lovely!

  3. oh, how i adore that little strawberry girl! vivi's doll is pretty cute, too. ;)

  4. It's a "delicious" and sweet work ! really !

  5. I am so in love with Waldorf dolls, I have always hoped to make one someday. Both your and your daughters dolls are incredible!

  6. They are both so beautiful and will become more and more treasured as the years go on. What a wonderful childhood you are giving your children!

  7. These are so precious! What a wonderful talent you have:)

  8. That strawberry girl is so sweet. That may be something we will have to try.
    Warm wishes, Tonya

  9. We started making a doll and then got have inspired us to move forward and finish the doll! These are so beautiful. :)

  10. I like the thought of making dolls, these are sweet.

  11. these are so incredible! so inspiring.
    must. make. doll. now!

  12. Oh, the strawberry doll is so beautiful! I'd love to learn how to make waldorf dolls one day!


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