Monday, March 1, 2010

Ten Years...

How the days fly! My sweet baby, my Mia Belle is ten years old, the golden age of childhood! I am still trying to wrap myself around this truth! It feels like yesterday that I was becoming a mother for the first time. We have forged new territory together, and I am so grateful for Mia. I have grown and learned so much in the past decade, alongside my children. I feel immensely blessed.

Mia wanted a woodland party this year. I found the cutest toadstool cupcake toppers, gnome candle and other goodies at Bake it Pretty. Amanda also has a super cute blog here. We picked up some delicious raspbberry poundcake cupcakes from Short Street Cakes, yum. These are a new favorite.

We came up with some fun projects. Mia collected bits of tree bark that she wanted to drill holes into and string necklaces. These came out so nicely, every girl had a different look for their necklace. We also made mason jar terrariums and added little fimo clay toadstools.  Such fun.

Mia, my courageous, heartful, creative, loving, musical daughter, my first, my pioneer...
Happy Birthday, sweet love.


  1. Adorable girl, beautiful job on the party Mom!

  2. Happy Birthday, Mia and happy birth giving day to you my friend!

  3. Happy Birthday! Every age is special, but I love the confidence and creativity of girls this age so much. It looks like she had a special party. The terrariums with the fimo toadstools are too cute. Beth

  4. What a great birthday party idea! I'll bet my winter daughter (who just turned 9) would love doing a party like this next year! Thanks for the great ideas! Happy birthday to your decade-old daughter. :)

  5. Happy birthday to your beautiful girl! What a charming party.


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