Sunday, March 14, 2010


Giving thanks to friendship, good food, a weekend of rejuvenating the spirit... such a gift!


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful time! A women gathering is so rejuvenating!

  2. ooh! looks like fun! good for you!! ;)

  3. Can I say 'jealous,' without sounding..umm..petty?
    And is it too late to tell you I loved you Mia Bella posts? There is so much beauty in those old photographs. Digital, shmigital, things had a differnet flavour once, when music was played with records, not cds, and photographs were photographs, and not 'pics.'

  4. A precious gift to have experienced.

    I long for what I just saw in your post.

    Gave me some inspiring ideas.

    L, N

  5. Looking at these pictures makes me realize how much I need this exact thing. Maybe if I start planning now by *next* spring we could make it happen!

  6. Lucky you! I am glad you had such a wonderful time with your friends. I feel relaxed just by looking at your photos!

  7. The food looks yummy. The people look nice. Looks like you had fun!

  8. it was the best 2 day recharge I think I have ever had - certainly since becoming a mom! thank you to Emily for capturing these beautifully moments from our weekend and to Hope for hosting us for such a lovely interlude.


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