Saturday, February 13, 2010

In Harmony

As most parents know, it can be a rare and beautiful treat to observe joyful harmony and cooperation between siblings. Certainly, this is not always the case! Today, they have been greatly inspired to share cooperative games and songs. My girls have absolutely loved their Friday program, which is currently being taught by a Waldorf trained teacher, Mr. Crowe.

Give and Take,
Take and Give.
Each to the Other,
as Long as We Live.

The beanbags that we adore are made my Sonya at A Toy Garden, and are filled with beans and wonderful, aromatic herbs.

Here is the wonderful product of Mia's woodworking class, also taught by Mr. Crowe. Mia is so proud of her beautiful black walnut ladle  that she painstakingly made over many weeks. I am so grateful for the influence of Waldorf education that inspires creativity, joy and harmony in our home schooling life.

~with special gratitude to Mr. Crowe~


  1. What a lovely blog post, it is wonderful when siblings cooperate with each other, when mine do, I actually have an ahhhh moment of joy:) That walnut ladle is stunning, well done Mia:)
    Have a lovely Sunday and happy Valentines Day.

  2. I am awestruck by the beautiful ladle your child made. I can't even imagine how she did it. It's an amazing creation. love, Beth

  3. such a lovely verse for the children. i am going to start singing that when my children play together :) beautiful carved spoon, such amazing work.

  4. That is one of the most beautiful spoons ever. So wonderful.
    It's funny because I was talking to a far away friend the other day and she was telling me that her daughter is attending the same program. She mentioned the wooden spoons and everything.
    I am going to have to visit here more often, so much sweetness and beauty.


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