Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Corner View: Favorite Hangout

It has been so long since I have been a part of the lovely Corner View postings. So I am jumping back in, as I can. my favorite hangout right now is by far, my own cozy sofa with a cup of tea and a stack of books. I love to sit, put my feet up, sip chai and read. Especially if I can warm myself by the fireplace Not that I have much opportunity for hanging out. Between home schooling and family life and a new puppy, it is a rare moment. But when I get it, I savor it! To get inspired by other Corner View participants, go to Jane's Spain Daily!

Jasper's cozy hangout where he likes to spend hours looking at books and building with blocks

Mia and Vivienne spend a lot of time on their beds with books, or listening to stories on CD

Sydney's cozy hangout


  1. Oooh My Lord. That many baskets?? I'm glad I've seen this picture. Need to show it to my hubby, cuz I have a lot of baskets as well. Too many to be honest. Love (all)your hang out(s), sounds - even in the midst of all your obligations - as a peaceful place.

  2. So funny about the baskets! Yes, this seems the only way that I feel that the play space can be restored to a neat state without my constant effort. The baskets give everything a special home and my son can help keep the room tidy. You should see our craft room baskets!:)

  3. What an adorable puppy! I wish my husband liked dogs. The owl pillow on your daughters bed is so cute! Welcome back!

  4. Looks cozy and I love that knitting wooden basket. O my.

  5. ahh yes no place like home :) lovely photos

  6. Sweet and good choice, with very lovely photos...

  7. looks like my kind of a hang out. sydney is tooo cute.


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