Friday, December 18, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Glorious Snow! What a beautiful gift for the December days as they draw closer to Christmas. Despite the fact that I could not mail my packages and run my errands today, it was so pleasing to be home bound. Rather than bustle around, I wrapped presents and baked, and walked in the silent white landscape that only somewhat resembles my neighborhood. Happy passers-by bundled to the tip of their noses pass by, waving cheerfully, walk their dogs and pull children on sleds. Vivienne is most eager for the baked apples we will enjoy, a family ritual for the first snow of the season.

Yummy treats from Martha Stewart - Peppermint bark and chocolate gingerbread bars

Happy Winter, everyone! Time to throw some logs on the fire and enjoy a cup of cocoa with Grammy and Granddaddy, who are visiting for the weekend.


  1. That sure is a beautiful gift-I won't be saying that in March!

  2. The snow didn't start here until noon-ish today, but it's still coming down strong. Isn't it fun?! My kids are beside themselves to have this much snow on the last day of school before winter break. Enjoy your winter wonderland!

  3. Enjoy the gift!
    Have a joyous holiday.
    Warm wishes.

  4. Snow makes everything seems so magical! Your photos are beautiful! Thanks for the recipe links, I'll have to give those a try! Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. So beautiful!! We got a smattering of snow (unusual for this area, as we are nearly at sea level) last week. Your pictures make me feel like it's truly Winter! :)

  6. Such wonderful photos Emily, I love all that snow:) It is really hot here at the moment in South Africa... Enjoy, and have a lovely Solstice weekend.

  7. I love your banner and your lovely snowy photos!
    Many warm wishes to you and you family happy celebrations to you!


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