Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Glow of candlelight

This afternoon we had high winds and our electricity went out. The day went on, and it was clear that the lines were still being repaired. Dusk fell quickly as we gathered our candles and started to light lanterns. The kids enjoyed the last minutes of light outdoors, while I made dinner in a mostly dark kitchen. I am so grateful for the opportunity to connect with the "true" rhythm of the day. I realized what it meant in days past for dusk to fall, and how it limited what was to be accomplished. It is a challenge to clean dishes by candle light! But it changed how I felt about resting time, and the atmosphere was so reverent and cozy. We ate dinner and then read books together by candle light. We read stories of Saint Nicholas. The kids were excited about living in an old fashioned way. I was reminded of the suggestion to turn off lights and electrical appliances consciously one night a week, and would like to try this. Just think of the energy savings. And how well rested one would feel to get to bed early in the evening. Of course, I am also grateful to have heat, hot water out of the tap, telephone service and so on. I laughed at myself for the number of times I would, by way of habit, try to turn on the light, or pick up the phone, despite the outage. Our power is back now, but it was like having a short retreat, and a real way to slow the pace of life, even if it was for just one evening.

cooking by candlelight

Reminds me of a favorite beautiful song of an old irish blessing.


  1. This posting is really special. There is something so mesmerizing about sitting by the fire on in the candlelight. It does make me sleepy, too. But I'm so grateful for electricity and other power especially on a cold day like today. We were without electricity for about 6 days once during an ice storm, and it was pure misery. We were so cold. Brrrrr. love, Beth

  2. Oh, I remember how much I loved it when the power went out when I was a child... I wonder how come we do not do it more often, it's so special, especially for the little ones and it truly connects us to the real rhythm of the earth...

  3. it looks and sounds warm and cozy. i love the idea of turning off the power one night a week. i think it would be hard to convince my kids though...:)


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