Monday, October 5, 2009

Weekend retreat

What a lovely time to rejuvenate and enjoy the company of wise women. The Southeast Women's Herbal Conference was glorious as always. Some highlights include: listening to herbalist Susan Weed spin tales, she is a very talented storyteller! Eating fabulous local food, inspired by Sally Fallon's Nourishing Traditions cookbook. Attending a full harvest moon fire circle, full of magic and beauty! Waking up early each morning to join at least 50 other women doing moon salutations in Sierra's wonderful Kundalini yoga class. Enjoying the beauty and quiet, and gaining more appreciation for common plants (and weeds) for their healing and nourishing qualities. It was also wonderful meeting such inspiring women, mothers, artists, healers, educators and nature lovers. Many thanks to David and the Grandparents! My blessings are many.


  1. I've always wanted to attend one of these. It must have been an amazing experience! It's good to get away and rejuvinate. :)

  2. What a beautiful weekend, everything sounds so wonderful.

  3. Love the shots. I can't believe how much purple there is around right now. Lovely!

  4. Lovely and sweet retreat !

  5. What a nourishing weekend! Your photos are just gorgeous!

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I am still catching up from my summer blog hiatus, and I look forward to returning to read your posts--what a lot of inspiration here in the Waldorf way.

  6. Sigh...truly wonderful indeed!

  7. lucky you!
    mm, all of those beautiful plants.
    p.s. nourishing traditions is a fave. it inspires me so much.


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