Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fairy tales, Ponies, Pirates and Kites

What a lot of adventure comes to children with a bit of free time and a their unleashed imagination! Such a gift it is to be able to dive into stories and myth, invent things and play act characters of all sorts. Some inspiration came from listening to C.S. Lewis's The Magician's Nephew and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe from The Chronicles of Narnia on the car ride. We have also been reading King Beetle Tamer and The Search for Delicious. The pirate lore local to the outer banks was another inspiration to their play. Blackbeard supposedly spent time at Teach's Hole, waiting for ships to conquer. And since we recently saw a local production of Peter Pan, the pirates are lively characters to the kids. Afternoons were spent on the three floors of beach house deck, mapping treasures, making strategies, and throwing anchor (a woolen yarn tied to a stick). A few favorite pirate books (nice for kids) are Richard Scarry's Pie Rats Ahoy, which Jasper thinks is the funniest book ever, and one we found by a local author/illustrator father and son called Captain Stumpy The Pirate Cat.

The wild horses which descended from those brought over by the Spanish colonial ships in the 1600's can still be found on Ocracoke Island, though now they are kept in a corralled area of 180 acres and cared for by the National Park Service. According to local author Pat Garber's Ocracoke Wild, the horses are no longer allowed to run free, for concern for their safety among vehicles and dwindling numbers in the herd. Another interesting read that I found for Mia is Pale as the Moon, a historical fiction tale of a Native American girl and a wild pony that she befriends.

I found a kite-making kit at the thrift shop, complete with bamboo sticks, kite paper and instructions. The kids delighted in making and flying them at the beach. They held up in the strong winds, I was impressed!

what can be better than kite flying in your pajamas?

1 comment:

  1. Picture number 4 (the papers)...very nice done.


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