Friday, September 25, 2009

Autumn Walk

I love a day that includes a peaceful walk in the woods, just taking time to observe and enjoy the beauty of the season. It feels as if time has slowed down just enough to be really present and happy to be among the living world around me.

This afternoon was the perfect opportunity to introduce nature journals for the girls to write and sketch in. I like to use Anna Comstock's Handbook of Nature Study as a reference, and Barb 's inspiring blog as a guide.

Today, what I noticed most were the beautiful trees. We spend the late afternoon meandering through the lovely grounds of the Biltmore Estate. There is this charming walk that winds along a stream to the bass pond. We also followed the path that climbs into the woods.

ironwood tree

playing among the Bald Cypress knees

these look like lychee fruit?

Ahh, the magestic Dawn Redwood

the artful red veined maple

another favorite of mine - the paperbark maple

strawberry bush

Vivienne enjoyed her special find - an earthworm with an iridescent glow. We called him King Worm. She tells me that he is very lucky, and that she will always remember this Fall day. We found a very auspicious home for him under a beautiful pine tree. We contemplated whether or not she might see him again, and she called out her address to him, just in case he had the future opportunity to make a visit.

Mia took a peaceful space ahead of us to make her own discoveries. At one point I heard
her squeal and hurried ahead to see if all was well. She was tickled to catch sight of a small chipmunk in close range. We also noticed the many frogs that leaped as we came close to the marshy area, and the interesting varieties of dragonfly that circled us at the pond.

Jasper said that his very favorite thing was to launch his bark boats into the creek. He also tried hard to point out a creature which he descrbed as a huge cricket, but I never could see quite what it was. One of the many mysteries...

And out again I curve and flow
To join the brimming river,
For men may come and men may go,
But I go on forever.

from The Brook, by Alfred Lord Tennyson


  1. What a wonderful set of pictures! Made me wish I could tag along. ;)
    Have a great weekend, Jeannette

  2. Wow, love the tree photos. We are probably moving to N. Georgia next summer and love seeing the southern flora. There are so many new plants I have to learn, this post helps. Thanks!


  3. The Biltmore is on my too see list. Still haven't been there. I here it is amazing!

  4. Thanks, Emily, for sharing your autumn walk - love the bark on the ironwood pics! Rick

  5. So, so, sooo beautiful (life)!!


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