Sunday, August 2, 2009

Yellow Splendor

Here we are in the peak of summer, and everything is looking sun kissed. I am noticing a lot of yellows in nature and feel drawn to its warmth and radiance. The Black-eyed Susans and Sunflowers are blooming everywhere, peering out with their cheerful faces.

my lovely yellow hollyhocks transplanted from my friends at dancing springs farm

very happy bees

Mia's re-purposed sock arm warmers, she plans to embellish them with buttons next.

Mia's new favorite sundress from Goodwill. I am loving the look of these darling yellow shoes on etsy and this sunny tee shirt.

My new yellow tea kettle

In the heat of summer, I find myself equally drawn to the coolness of the water and the freshness of blue. The Botanical Garden is the perfect place for an summer picnic.

Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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