Friday, May 15, 2009

Little happy things

Here are some simple pleasures that brought me happiness today:

Waking up early, before the rest of the house, sitting down with a cup of PG tips with honey and milk. And peacefully browsing the tower of books that rests where my living room coffee table once was visible. Too many books, you wonder? Not a chance!

Walking to town with my little guy in the jogging stroller, and smelling the heady perfume of the honeysuckle everywhere. Mmmmm. So Sweet.

Digging in the garden, alongside my kids, who were playing imaginative games, collecting worms and getting covered in dirt. I love the kind of tired that I feel after a late afternoon of weeding, planting and dreaming up new ideas.

Hearing the birdsong of young hatchlings, clatter of woodpeckers, mysterious others whose I cannot recognize by name. Hearing the stories that Vivienne weaves, the awe that Mia finds in a photo of baby squirrels, the sound of Jasper singing happily to himself as we walk through a shop, so unaware of others noticing.

Taking pictures of my beloved plants and noticing their progress, enjoying their pure and generous beauty. Observing the other small creatures as they go along their business. Tasting the little bit of sweet nectar from a sage blossom, watching as the kids pick leaves of their favorite herbs or not-quite-ripe strawberries to nibble.

Thinking of my family, laughing on the phone with my sister, looking forward to a visit to Oregon and wishing my dad a very Happy Birthday!

see the cute sprout growing from the damp rug on the treehouse floor?


  1. Happy Birthday wishes from me for your father, you and the family. I enjoyed your simple pleasures as well; it was nice to read how you observed and described the little pleasures of your kids and with your kids.

  2. Such beautiful flowers! I really loved the photo of the little bee flying furiously across to the blossom, precious...

    Have a wonderful weekend...

  3. I love your flowers. Sounds like a wonderful morning ...

  4. Pure happiness! The hydrangeas are really stunning.

  5. Hi, thanks for stopping by my little corner. I love finding new blogs. Your day sounded perfect. Tea, books, honeysuckle, children playing and great pictures too!

  6. Gardening to me has become almost holy since I had my children. It's so precious how we can spend whole days together. Observing, working - together or in ones own world.

  7. What a beautiful day spent in the garden! As I said, it's the small things...

  8. I just discovered that you are also part of of little Corner community. ;)
    Looking forward to discover more about your corner of the world.
    Have a great Sunday, Jeannette


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