Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cake, Anyone?

I have had the honor of celebrating several family birthdays this week. My Vivi girl turned six years old, and my sweet hubby also had a birthday (nope, not saying how old!) It has been a week of baking for me. First cupcakes for the school party. I found a yummy banana cake with cinnamon-honey frosting recipe here.

And then there was my classic party cake, which I have made several years in a row. It is called the Strawberry Basket Cake. It is very yummy. I don't bother to make the fancy basket weave design with the frosting, though. Here it is as I am adding the layers. yummy strawberries and preserves are nestled in the center. Despite the fact that I can't get local berries now, I found some beautiful organic ones at the market. It is a real decadence in mid-winter.

And then I made a Glazed Lime Cake. Not as pretty, but I wanted something simple and different. Mmmmmm. I love cakes of all sorts. I have two more birthdays in my family in the next month! So plenty more baking to do. Thank goodness I love making sweet things.

The girls amaze me with their industriousness. It puts me to shame! I am always thinking up an excuse of why it is not a good time, while they are joyfully plowing through project after project. I really do admire their fearless ambition to create! Vivi has been into sewing lately. She sneaks into my craft/mess zone in the playroom and emerges with a new creation every day. Here is the adorable bird she made from felted sweater scraps (and a silk velvet bit for the beak)

She also made her daddy a cute birthday crown, and a number of artful gifts. She repaired the first waldorf doll that I made for Mia many years ago. It had some stiches that came loose on the shoulder, and she patched it up ( with purple thread, to Mia's dismay!) That poor baby is well loved to say the least.

Both girls have been drawing like crazy. They are into making horses and unicorns, as well as picture-stories about people. I love to see their ideas and I actually feel so inspired by them!

Mia loves to needle felt. Here is the peace symbol she made. We are all so happy to know that Obama is now our president! I have never had such optimism for the direction of our country as I have today. Check out this link for some amazing photos of the inauguration. We had a grand day of celebration at our friends' house. Jen hosted a Barack Menu Open House with meals from all the places in his history. We got to enjoy an Indonesian lunch. Since we don't have television, It was fun to watch this amazing historical event taped live. Three Cheers for Obama!!!

Despite the fact that we have had a day and a half of snow-day, home from school, it has amounted to rather little. The kids are feeling bummed about the lack of white winter. It would be nice to get a real snow before the winter has ended. Certainly, there is still some time. Here is our little bit of snow. Vivi was hopeful...

Another inspiring event was a show we saw recently, The Mizero Children from Rwanda. They are on a fund-raising mission, called the Forgiveness Tour. It was amazing to see these young people, with lives so deeply touched by tragedy, and yet holding such peacefulness and joy in their smiles and soulful rhythms.

~May peace be with you~


  1. Belated Happy Birthday to her :0)

  2. I'm a new visitor to your blog - I love it! Lots of inspiration and ideas here :)

  3. Hi Emily,
    It was great to get to meet you today! I hope Jasper loves his little pillow and has a sweet birthday! Tiff had sent me the link to your blog last month and I have enjoyed reading through it tonight. Your photos and words are just beautiful! Hope we can meet again. Maybe one morning we can all meet up with the little ones?
    Take care!

  4. oh my gosh, your cakes are so beautiful!


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