Monday, September 22, 2008

Needle Felting and Walnut shell Turtles

I have picked up my felting needle again! I started with a simple pumpkin based on the Living Crafts magazine (Fall issue) project. Theirs actually calls for wet felting with a rubber ball, and making it a pumpkin box. Then I got really inspired thanks to my friend, Kate, who hosted a needle felting class and showed us how to make figures. It was fun to be among others who can appreciate the joy of beautiful wool rovings in a rainbow of color! Today, I brought a story and project to Vivienne's Kindergarten classroom. I read the book Emma's Turtle, a sweet tale about a pet turtle who longs to see the world, and sets out on his own adventure. I found the project in All Year Round, one of my all-time favorite sources for seasonal crafts. We made turtles out of plasticine clay and walnut shells. The kids were thrilled with their creations, and it was such fun to share the time with them.

~the whole family of turtles from Ms. Elana's class!~ We celebrated Autumn Equinox with an apple bread (made from the orchards apples we just picked) and homemade vanilla icecream. Apples are one thing that I can eat every day and not get tired of them. The kids seem to be the same way. Vivienne had a really fun time on Sunday, turning the crank of a vintage cider press. It was an all day affair at the Long Branch orchards, picking, sorting, washing , then grinding, sifting and pouring the fresh juice. The kids were so proud of their jugs of cider.

~Our friend, Lily, in the abundance of apples~
~Jasper helping with the apple washing~

1 comment:

  1. Very nice work! I'd love to get into needle felting but I have so many other projects on the go and no time to learn a new skill. So I just admire everyone else's handiwork. :) Keep sharing!
    - Leilani from the Waldorf Yahoo Group


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