Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Crowns and Other Creations

We have been blessed with some extra time together this week since Mia is on spring holiday. Today, the girls have been enjoying the art boxes full of goodies, one of the most treasured gifts, with thanks to Grammy and Granddaddy. They worked on their doll house furnishings for a bit, and then moved on to other fun things. Vivi made a lovely lacey headress out of a cake doily (remainer from birthday season). Mia began the organization of a play, though it has not yet come to production.

And I am working on adding an embellishment to one of Mia's t-shirts. I took her drawing and copied it to fabric. I think it will turn out really cute!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Weekend

We enjoyed beautiful weather over the weekend, attending many fun-filled egg hunts. The children are enjoying the bounty of their treasures and sweet treats. But today I glanced out of the window mid morning, and what did I see? SNOW! Yes, and what a surprise. I was digging in the garden yesterday and now there are big fat flakes coming down from the sky. The girls changed from their flig flops to cold weather gear, and are joyfully taking the temperature drop in stride.

Mia in monkey swing braids, just like Grandma when she was a young girl!

Jasper wearing the very first vest I have ever knitted! He was loving the hunt!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Eggs and more

We are getting into our preparations for Easter - I will be bringing out the special box of trinkets to decorate our nature table today. The kids have very busy painting eggs and eating eggs. Grandma made a traditional egg crown for us before she left, with all the completed creations. The wire turned out a bit too soft, so I may go back and add a thicker wire to give it shape.

And just look at what Vivi has been up to! She designed her very own paper dress and made it all on her own.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Saint Patricks Day Festivities

The girls found a special surprise this afternoon when they were playing in the yard.Looks like the leprauchans have been camping out.

And the girls showed their gratitude for the golden chocolate coins.

We also made Irish soda bread (yum!) which is going to be a new favorite around here - it is so easy and delicious eaten warm with a pat of butter.

It has been a busy couple of weeks with good friends and Grandma visiting. Tomorrow life will be back to usual, and we will be working on our Easter preparations.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Birthday Season comes to a close!

Today was the last of our four family birthday celebrations that occur between Christmas and Easter. Mia had a wonderful day with her Grammy, Grandaddy and Grandma who came all the way from Oregon.

We took joy in homemade carrot cupcakes (from Moosewood Restaurant Celebrates)
and craft making - paper bead jewelry (thanks Martha Stewart!)

and flower fairies (inspired by Sally Mavor's Felt Wee Folk - a wonderful resource!)

this one is Vivi's creation...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Water Posies and African Inspired Art

My girls came up with those lovely little posies - all wrapped in tissue paper as a present for me. They are so pleased with the little new blossoms that are beginning to peek out of the ground. Spring brings such joy to our hearts!

And Mia has been studying African culture at school. She learned some words in Swahili and came home with a beautiful Story Cloth that tells its tale in pictures. Then she brought home a mask that Vivi models in the photo. (yes, that is a cast - vivi broke her wrist falling off the picnic table)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

My first needle felting project is complete!

Now that I have tried needle felting, I want to do more! It was so gratifying to complete a project in half an hour or so. Unlike the sweater for Vivi that I have been laboring away at for months! And the kids seemed very pleased to see me make something playful for them. It has been a while since I have made the time to make toys. That is one thing I am beginning to understand. There is only time to do those chosen things that I make time for. And so finding my priorities are crucial. Right now, living creatively is on the top of my list.

Spring is coming!

Hooray for the first Crocus to peek through the leaves! I feel so filled with joy that spring is getting closer!