Mia and I are having a splendid time learning the about Norse Mythology. The gods and their stories are very dramatic, complex, sometimes humorous, and well, tragic too. I love learning alongside Mia, and I find that I often think of the symbolism and the stories. As I go about my usual day, their characters and dilemmas come to mind. Our favorite book is the
D'Aulaire's Norse Myths. This husband-wife author/illustrator partnership has been one of my favorites for some time. Their artwork is so inspired, so brilliant. We also have Padriac Column's
Children of Odin ( available
free online) and
Kevin Crossley-Holland's book. Each have some good information. I appreciate the D'Aulaire's glossary because they give the proper pronunciations and I refer to it often in the telling of a story. I have enjoyed using the D'Aulaire's book to inspire my blackboard drawings as well. Next, we plan to make the runic alphabet in clay or wood. It is fascinating to look at some of the old runic stones of ancient times and imagine so long ago. Many days of the weeks have been named after these gods, and I am only now learning about them...I find that odd! Tuesday is named for Tyr's day, God of War, Wednesday- Wotan's day (old English for Odin, Father of All), Thursday- Thor's day, God of Thunder, Friday - Freya's Day, Goddess of Love, Beauty and Fertility. Here is a glimpse into our work...
blackboard drawing
Mia's main lesson drawing
Balder had a golden glow about him, and flowers sprouted from his footsteps.Another interesting project that we did recently was make a Multiplication Clock (or Sun as I prefer to call it. ) The idea come from
Robinsunne's webpage. It turned out beautifully, and it is really fun to see the number patterns laid out in this way. Math is one of those subjects that I feel need to be anchored in the practical and in the imagination, both. One source that we have been enjoying is a book called
Life of Fred, which explains math concepts in a quirky story format.

One more favorite resource that I would like to mention is One to One: A Practical Guide to Learning at Home by Gareth Lewis. He has a website here. He has a lot of wonderful practical suggestions for home education for children up to age 11.
This is such beautiful learning. Thank you for sharing this all. We are covering Grade 1 this year but I'll remember your fantastic resource recommendations for the future.
This book from Stanley F. Schmidt Ph.D. (Life of Fred) seems very interesting. Looked for it in my online bookstore, but couldn't find it. So I might have to buy it overseas. Thank you for the many great tips ;-)
So Emily, you decided to keep Mia home and to homeschool her? Did a miss a post?? Wow, this sounds really exciting! Your blackboard drawings are amazing!
Hi Catherine! Yes, Mia is officially homeschooling. It has been a wonderful adventure for us! I feel like I am getting a new education as well.
Thanks for the encouraging posts!
Thanks for visiting the other day! I'm very glad to meet you! I am really loving this post! My son and I just finished up with the Norse Myths. What beautiful art work you did! Just lovely! I look forward to visiting often!
love, Sara
Waldorf inspired learning is so beautiful and whole, it is lovely to see and hear of your learning process with your daughter. Your chalkboard drawings are wonderful!
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